お問い合わせ Question



※ 特定の機種のみに存在する機種依存文字、および、半角カナの使用はご遠慮ください。

We accept all kinds of questions related to our company through the form below. Please be aware that some questions may take some time to respond to properly, and some we may not be able to answer at all.

Please make sure to read and consent to our privacy agreement before sending the form.

Fields marked with * are required. Please be sure to fill them out.

*Please do not use half-length kana characters or characters that only exist on special devices.

STEP1 フォーム内容入力

Company Name*
Name (Phonetic)*
Email Address*
Phone Number*



1. 個人情報の利用目的


2) 当社の業態が、コンサルティング、セミナー開催等を行なうことであることを踏まえて当社が取扱う個人情報の利用目的を以下のように定めます。

(1) お客様の個人情報
(2) お取引先様から委託を受ける業務において取り扱う個人情報
(3) お取引先様の個人情報
(4) 当社への入社を希望される皆様の個人情報
(5) 当社へお問合せ頂いた方の個人情報

2. 個人情報の適切な管理


個人情報保護管理者 大上 二三雄
〒100-0011 東京都千代田区内幸町1-1-1 帝国ホテルタワー12F-A3
TEL:03-3500-4420 FAX:03-3500-4421

3. 個人情報の委託または提供


2) 個人情報の提供

  • 法令又は、裁判所その他の政府機関より適法に開示を要求された場合。
  • その他の特定の目的のために、皆様ご本人の同意もしくは個人情報提供企業様から同意が得られた場合。

4. 個人情報の開示、訂正、削除等の申し込み

当社は、当社が個人情報をご提供いただきました本人もしくは、個人情報提供企業からお預かりしている個人情報について、ご本人様もしくは、個人情報提供企業様からご自身の個人情報につきましての、開示、訂正、削除等の要求を、当社 苦情相談窓口に申し出ることができます。

ただし、開示等により、本人又は、第三者の生命、身体、財産その他の権利利益を害する恐れがある場合 もしくは、当社にとって業務遂行に支障をきたすと判断した場合は、この限りではありません。



※ 土曜、日曜日、祝祭日、年末年始(12/30~1/4)は翌営業日以降の対応とさせていただきます。

On Privacy and Personal Information

MI Consulting Group (hereafter referred to as MICG) agrees to handle personal information in accordance with the policy described above and the methods described below.

1. Purpose for Private Information Use

Private information handled at MICG is defined as personally identifying information, obtained through MICG's official processes, including names, workplace, birthdate, address, phone number, email address, and so on, for the purposes of specifying an individual.

2) Given that MICG's business category is consulting and seminar hosting, the personal information that MICG handles is defined for use only for the following purposes.

(1) Customer Information
For the purpose of executing and properly managing the contents of a contract
For the purpose of guiding MICG services and seminars
(2) Personal information handled when receiving a commission from a customer
For the purpose of executing and properly managing the contents of a contract
(3) Customer Personal Information
For the purpose of properly managing the contents of a contract with a customer
(4) Personal information of everyone who wishes to join MICG
For the purpose of employing, contacting, and providing recruitment information to those who have expressed an interest in joining or actively applied to work at MICG
For the purpose of choosing a candidate
(5) Personal information of those who have sent MICG questions
For the purpose of improving MICG's customer relations
For the purpose of accurately understanding the communication's contents and to handle them appropriately

2. Properly Managing Personal Information

MICG has appointed the following people to be in charge of properly managing everyone's personal information, and is actively taking measures to ensure that all personal information is handled properly, without being leaked, destroyed, or abused.

MI Consulting Group
Personal Information Manager: Fumio Ohue
1-1-1 Uchisaiwai-cho Teikoku Hotel Tower 12F-A3 Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, 100-0011
TEL: 03-3500-4420 FAX: 03-3500-4421

3. The Consignment and Provision of Personal Information

As part of our standard operations, MICG employs outsourcers for parts of our business in order to focus on providing better service to our customers. In some cases, this involves entrusting our outsourcers with personal information. In these cases, we carefully choose our outsourcers to ensure that they will handle this information properly, reach an agreement on what measures need to be taken to ensure the proper management and secrecy of our customers' personal information, then implement those measures.

2) Personal Information Sharing
MICG will never share personal information with third parties except for the exceptions outlined below.

  • When mandated by the law, court, or other government office.
  • For other specified purposes, and only when all parties or personal information companies provide consent.

4. Applying for Personal Information Disclosure, Corrections, Deletion, etc

In regards to personal information that MICG handles on behalf of customers or personal information companies, any customer or company who wishes to have their personal information disclosed, corrected, deleted, and so on may request to do so at MICG's complaints office.
In the event of a request, MICG will verify the requester's identity, then comply within a reasonable time period.

However, exceptions may be made if the act of disclosure may result in the loss of life, injury, property, or other infringement of rights for the requester or a third party, or if MICG determines that disclosure may impede our ability to do business.
Furthermore, in the event that such requests fall under legal precedent, we will comply appropriately in accordance with the relevant laws.

If you have any questions or concerns about MICG and personal information, our contact information is as follows.

MI Consulting Group
TEL: 03-3500-4420 (10am-5pm) FAX: 03-3500-4421

*Any questions made on Saturday, Sunday, holidays, or during the end of the calendar year (December 30-January 4) will be answered on the next business day.